Do not put yourself in much pain on what will come. We have more than enough for this day [Mt 6,34]. Allow things to go on by its regular course and God will lead everything to its own destiny. I now enter into a new direction of affairs, and this trip will serve me to go through, survey and to figure out in what I must and could do in fulfillment of my mission and vocation. God will never abandon those who sincerely desire his glory and offer themselves in sacrifice for the welfare of his Church

(Fr. Palau, Letter 52,2)

This is the last day of our journey with Palau. Like every last day, it means also a new beginning. After his experience of the Church as the Body of Christ, Palau saw a new horizon, new direction in his life, vocation and mission. We are also invited to take some time and discern if maybe our vocation and mission should also take a new direction. God wants to lead everything to its own destiny, also our lives. Are you ready to offer yourself totally for the Church and his welfare? One thing is sure: God will never abandon you, if your desire to love and serve His Church are honest and committed. It’s His work. We don’t need to worry about details, about future. Trust in the One to whom belongs the history.

Invitation for silence:

Keep in your mind and your heart that God is always with you, leading you, protecting you. You don’t need to worry, you don’t need to fear for the future. Just trust!

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