What does it mean to be “CONSECRATED” in the Church, by the Church and for the Church? Explained by CMT Sisters – Delegation of Asia:
C – CHOSEN and CALLED, the motive of CHEERFULNESS and genuine COMMITMENT as consecrated.
O – OBEDIENCE to God and to the mission is to fulfill God’s will manifested concretely in loving and serving all.
N – NATURE OF CHRIST: every Consecrated persons radiate the NATURE of CHRIST, who is LOVE, MERCY and COMPASSION
S – SERVICE: a LOVER who seek constantly to please the beloved in SERVING him/her concretely, or a LOVER who is at the SERVICE of his/her BELOVED
E – ECCLESIALITY: The ecclesiality of religious life is communion, participation and solidarity with all the People of God and with all humanity, especially with the poor.
C – CHRIST CENTERED: to live a CHRIST CENTERED LIFE is a lifelong journey and continuous process of transformation of CONSECRATED MEN and WOMEN
R – RESILIENCE – is a capacity to manage and able to recover significant difficulty with serenity in our spiritual journey as a missionary. This virtue is a result with our connection to the Church – God and neighbor, whom we know gives us love, hope, and strength unconditionally.
A – ACCOUNTABILITY is an ATTITUDE of ACTIVE responsibility and total AVAILABILITY for the mission and God’s Kingdom that must characterize any AUTHENTIC Consecrated person.
T – THANKSGIVING. True thankfulness is to live life with joy, simplicity and passion set for the purpose God has freely given us as a gift.
E – EXODUS from ourselves to centre our life on Christ and his gospel, leaving aside our plans in order to say It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. This exodus means setting out on a path of adoration and service, the two being inseparable.
D – DETERMINATION: we are called with a firm determination not give up no matter what trials and dryness one may encounter in our Religious Vocation.
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