The Holy Trinity is one of the greatest mysteries of our Christian faith. On this feast, the church invites us to reflect on the central and most unfathomable mystery of our faith.

The Holy Trinity is the happiest family, totally united in love for each other. God wants us to belong to this family and to share the happiness of the Trinity with us. God constantly invites and brings us to his blessed family. That is why our Scripture readings of today give us a beautiful presentation of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. God revealed himself to us gradually as a Trinity.

In the first reading, Moses reminds the people that they belong to God. God led them out of the slavery of Egypt with many miracles. Therefore, Moses asked them to always remember that the Lord is God and to keep his commandments. As Saint Paul reminds us in the second reading of today, of the Father’s love, the grace that comes through Jesus Christ and the fellowship or the unifying power of the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel, we hear Jesus commissions his disciples to carry on his mission to all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and promises to be with them till the end times.

The Scripture tells us that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one. There is unity of essence and relation within the three Divine Persons. The Father loves the Son, and the Son loves the Father. The love that unifies the Father and the Son is called the Holy Spirit. The Three Persons are closely united to each other, which is a bond of love. It is the Spirit who enables us and leads
us; therefore, we are the children of God. Because the Spirit unites us to Christ and thus puts us in a special relationship with the Father as his own children. 

In revealing himself to us as a Holy Trinity, God gradually reveals his will for us. The Holy Trinity manifests to us that our God is the God of power and might, the God who loves us, the God who lives in us, the God who dwells among us and is in our hearts. God wills all of us belong to his family. God wants each of us to be united with him in his Divine loving family. When we were
baptized, we become children of God. In Jesus Christ, we have been made the sons and daughters of God.

How privileged to be children of God and belong to the family of the Trinity. So, in our daily practice of Christian life, let us often remember the Holy Trinity in prayer and during our activities. Let us keep in mind and heart that we are sons and daughters of God. As Jesus is the Beloved Son of the Father, we are also beloved sons and beloved daughters of God. From the day we were baptized, Jesus becomes our brother; his Father is also our Father.

Since we belong to the family of the Trinity, being united in love with God and others, we can see the others as sons and daughters of God, as our brothers and our sisters. We are able to love and embrace others as they are. It is a beautiful transformation of our relationship with God and others in Divine love. It is the mystery of unity that unites us in the love of the Holy Trinity and enables us
to love each other as we are loved.

Like the Holy Trinity, we can live and work together as one family of God. For we are all united in God’s love.  So, in spite of our individual personalities and differences, unity is a possible and fundamental invitation from God. The Holy Trinity reminds us that if we remain united, our different personalities would become our invitation. The Holy Trinity empowers us to create unity in our relationships, friendships, families, communities. Through Holy Trinity, we can live and work together for our salvation and our salvation of the world.