“The Gospel tells us that in the midst of this challenging journey we are not alone.
Like the first ray of dawn in the heart of the night,
the Lord comes walking on the troubled waters to join the disciples;
he invites Peter to come to him on the waves,
saves him when he sees him sinking
and, once in the boat, makes the winds die down”
(Pope Francis)
This 4th Sunday of Easter Season, also known as Good Shepherd’s Sunday, the Church in a special way is praying FOR VOCATIONS. Let us join our voices in a prayer, inspired by the Message “Words of Vocation” of Pope Francis for this ocassion. Let us ask together the Lord of the harvest to sent workers to His field, so that the Church be never lacking of love of Her shepherds.
Download materials for prayer: Moment of Prayer of 57th World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Download Message of Pope: Words of Vocation
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