All belongs to God.  Give the Lord what is due for Him!  But what is that, that is due for Him?  How do we give glory for His name?  Which is which?

Those were just some of the questions that I have asked myself upon reading our Sunday Gospel according to Matthew 22:15-21.

It is actually very well-known the last sentence: “repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.”  That was Jesus reply to the Pharisees.

What is the real command of Jesus?   If I am following Jesus, to what extent should my life be bound with the things of this world?  I really do not like to reiterate here about the state and the church.  True enough it is a separate thing but I think it could be in communion with one another.  Unity is possible if the spirit of love is present.  For we know love conquers all.

True enough, God does not need my praise.  Sounds familiar?  It is I who needs  to praise Him who created me, who created us.

Which is for God?  God rejoices with a humble of heart, a pure and a clean heart.  It is like a heart wrapped with love and truthfulness because God does not rejoice with a boastful heart, rather He rejoices with a kind-loving heart manifested in our thoughts, words & actions.  And it never gets tired. His love never fails.

At times I failed to give God what is due to Him for His faithfulness cannot be measured.  He is continuously loving and always giving me chances everyday, everyday… Shame on me if I did not responded with passion the mission that I am sharing with, shame on me if I did not proclaim how glorious God is,  shame on me if I did not love my brothers & sisters the way Christ is loving them, ah, shame on me!

It is indeed a big challenge. An invitation for me to always be mindful of His presence in everything.

As we celebrate the World Mission Sunday, it is very timely for each one of us to give what is due to God, for our people.  God has gifted us with bounteous blessings, immeasurable and unsurpassable.  So, in whatever status we are in, the mission is always at hand especially on this time of pandemic.