With great joy, Pastoral of Youth and Vocations presents project “ENCOUNTERS AND LISTENING”.
In this uncertain and challenging time of pandemic, we would like to remain close to you, accompany your process, searchings and uncertainties. It’s a time of journeying together, sustaining, being one family. We don’t want anyone to live this time alone and empty, that’s why this space is for you, for EVERYONE. A space of a sacred communion where to share life, joys and sadness, uneasiness and loneliness, with respect and tenderness, because everything is worth sharing.
To be available for whomever may need, this is the objective, at the service of all, to listen and share faith and life.
- For all ages
- Availability of time
- Different languages

As Carmelitas Misioneras Teresianas and palautian family, we invite you to be a part of this project, to help us with diffusion of this initiative so it can reach all the corners and all those who may need it. In this special time that we are traversing, solidarity should be our Christian seal. We desire with urgency to reach on time all those who are not well and need to talk, express themselves, be heard.
- How can you contact with this space of “Encounters and listening”?
- Through our Skype Account: PJV Carmelitas Misioneras Teresianas

In order to be available and attentive to whatever each person may need, we have prepared a schedule throughout the week. You can consult their availability according to philippine time.

In this time of uncertainty, doubts, losses and opportunities, may God find us united, in solidarity, as family. May noone be alone or left behind our efforts.
Provincial Pastoral Juvenile Vocational Team CMT

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