Today’s reading form a call for hope, for practicing in our actions the faith we profess, pray and celebrate.

There are times when we are living the easy life, the comfortable life; we dedicate ourselves to blame others or the circumstances, the government, virus, lack of opportunities, persons who surround us, and a long etc. that each one of us could continue. The sure thing is that if there are exterior factors today, the prophet reminds us that each one of us we have responsibility, and that depending on our response and attitude, all that today is for us a motive of rebellion, bitterness, fear, critics, could be changed, if we assume that tomorrow is possible thanks to our attitude today.

Many times when facing an invitation for change, for construction, for assuming our responsibility, we use to respond with too much hurry, with good desires and dreams, but when time comes to make them reality, we find thousands of excuses or reasons to postpone what should be done now.

„Love is deeds, not only reasons” (Lope de Vega). What really attracts God’s blessing, what makes us enjoy the authenticity of life, is not our good desires, but concrete actions, accepting the invitation of God to go to his vineyard, to change the attitude in our life, to convert all that is not allowing that the face of God, and our condition of children, would be revealed in us.

The prophet reminds us that the change will come not from the multitude, but from this small group who takes the risk to trust, this rest who knows that God is the father and trusts in Him. For us, there is this invitation to change starting with our family, community, parish, village. Form this „rest” that wants to be the witness of God’s love and from their blessings, this „rest” who wants to receive God as a small child, not from outside but from inside.

What are you ready to „do” so that the project of God may be reflected in your life?


Fr. Wilson Ascensio Callejas