This Good Friday, the day of the Passion of our Lord, we remember the greatest proof of love of God for each one of us. Jesus knowing the suffering that was waiting for him, accepted to carry the cross of our sins because of his love.
Today we make the veneration of the Cross. We invite you to prepare your heart for this moment when you will approach it and adore. For other religions, the cross is a reason for scandal; many don’t understand the importance it has for the Catholics. On the contrary, for us it is the fundamental part of our faith. Without cross there would be no resurrection. But we can also fall into getting used to see Jesus crucified, being indifferent to his suffering, both in his Passion and in the pain of our brethren. May our attitude today be of those who look for to correspond the love of the sublime Beloved of our souls.
Help us, Lord, to be always aware of the memory of your Passion, so that the fruits of your suffering may be seen continuously renewed in our souls. Make us convert totally to you. May our hearts be a perpetual place of repose. Through the memory of this great mercy that you had, concede us the grace of loving you and honoring you more and more with every day.

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