The gospel of Luke for the III Easter Sunday offers us several ideas for our life… It could serve us as an exam of conscience.

  • “The disciples shared what had happened to them on the way and how the discover Jesus in the breaking of bread”. We should stop for a while to look back and to analyze of what do we speak among us and with the people and how do we recognize Jesus.
  • “… Jesus appeared in the middle of his disciples and said: Peace be with you!”. Do we bring peace to our environments, to our groups? How does the people feel when we are with them?
  • “Full of fear… they believed to see a ghost”. What are my fears? What are the ghosts that run in my life?
  • “… they did not believe for the joy, and were amazed…”. The Gospel shows us doubtful disciples and, besides, with a joy that “makes them blind” and does not allow them to believe, and leave them in wonder… what do I do to go out of my amazement, to believe truly?
  • “Then, their understanding was opened to recognize the Scriptures”. “… that all that is written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms about me had to fulfil”. Jesus knew his mission perfectly: “the Messiah will suffer, will be risen among the dead on the third day, and, in his name will be announce the conversion and the forgiveness of sins to all peoples, starting Jerusalem”. And me? Do I know my mission? Am I fulfilling the mission for which I have been called? Fr. Toribio Tapia Bahena, from the diocese of Michoacán, Lázaro Cárdenas, in México, specialist in Lectio Divina, tells us, explaining this text: We are witnesses for the conversion that implies the capability that commits with the eradication of the evil”. As Christians, as consecrated persons, as daughters (and sons) of father Palau, our mission is defined in this text; which adds: “starting by Jerusalem”, which is the place where ‘evil’ was noticeable, where Jesus was killed. We have to discover that ‘Jerusalem’, where evil is being perpetrated, to be the witnesses of Christ in the middle of the evil and, to eradicate it. It is the call of the document of the last General Assembly for us. Charismatically, we are also called to discover Jesus in the Eucharist, in the Church: “In the Most Sacrament of the Altar, there, every day, represented in her visible Head, Jesus, my Son, there, she will be newly united with you. Giving to you her head sacramentally, she gives to you all by love, mystically and morally, and uniting yourself there sacramentally with the Head, you will be united morally with the whole body…” (MR 1, 31).