How many of us are anxious about many things like Martha? Or like Mary, who is a pious and devoted woman?

Our Sunday Gospel Reading reminds us to live out the two aspects of life: being an active and a contemplative person. Jesus said that man does not live by bread alone, but also in every word that comes from Him.  Many have been focused on their ministry and making this a means of serving the Lord, yet they are lacking spiritual inputs and enlightenment. That’s why many of those who are like Martha become so anxious about many things.  I remember one of the familiar and famous sentences that we used to hear: “I am too busy to pray; my work is already my prayer.” It is alright to say when I work it is already a prayer but we cannot substitute work for prayer. Nevertheless, we have to start the day with a prayer, so that we will be guided, enlightened, inspired, and strengthened by God.  That our whole day’s work will be a more fruitful, meaningful, and edifying ministry.

Look at the life of Jesus our model, who lived an active and contemplative life.  Before and after His ministry, always takes a moment to pray, relax and be in the company of His friends. And that is the challenge and invitation for us, that amid many things to do in our apostolate are called to strengthen our relationship with Jesus through constant communication with Him in prayer.  It is to trust in the wisdom and providence of Him at all times that in any kind of activities and service to God, we need to be still and listen to His word.

Work is useless without prayer, and prayer without work is meaningless; therefore, it makes prayer meaningful and works useful when they go together.

If you are too anxious and too worried, stop, look, and listen to God’s Word, and then pray.


Our Lady of Virtues Community,

Pangantucan Bukidnon