Sister María José, our general animator, has been interviewed by the communications manager of the UISG (International Union of Major Superiors) to present this booK “YOUR NAMES ARE WRITTEN IN THE HEAVEN”, the fruit of lives given for love, real, concrete love, love in the pure style of Jesus: love that gives life…

… more than letters or stories, they are lives pierced by pain and rescued by love. The passion for God and the humanity that suffers in these victims makes us come out of ourselves to commit ourselves wholeheartedly to the cause of fighting against human trafficking.

“… everything they have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what they have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the rooftops” Luke 12, 3

It is time to proclaim from the rooftops all the good that has been gestated in the dark and to make it known that in the midst of all the horror “in the light” arises and is heard… let us proclaim from the rooftops that there are many! names that are written in heaven!