On this second Sunday of Lent,  our readings show the importance of listening to God’s voice within us, to spend moments of silence and solitude in prayer so that our lives may be transfigured like what had happened to Jesus on the Mount Tabor.

In the first reading, Abraham received the call of God, so he listened and followed. The Psalm impels us to trust in God’s promises. In the second reading, St. Paul to Timothy reminds us that Jesus offers us hope especially in times of trouble. And in the Gospel reading, we see Jesus inviting his disciples to climb the mountain with him that will enable them to foretaste and experience God’s divine presence and promises.

Upon reflecting on the readings for today, I come to ask myself: When and how have I experienced the call of God? Then I realized it is only through prayer in silence that I can hear God’s voice within me, and to respond to the call and voice of God is to trust Him deeply. Just like the psalm for this Sunday’s readings, we are urged to trust the Lord and His mercy, or like Abraham in the first reading, who obediently follows God’s direction and instruction.

I have often reflected that following the Lord is not always easy, especially if we don’t know how to listen to and obey God. Oftentimes when we don’t know how to listen to others (we just failed on many occasions) and with this, I would like to reaffirm that those who know how to listen to God’s voice are people who are renewed and transformed, people with experience of God.

It’s good to hear in the silence that God is affirming to us “This is my beloved son, listen to Him”. To be a beloved son and daughter of God is to listen to Jesus calling us within us. Well, it’s also good, through this reading, to see ourselves, to ask, “how is our following of Jesus?” Do we listen to Him? Remember, if we don’t listen to one another and to our neighbor then it will be more difficult for us to listen to God.

Just let me end with this prayer: Lord Jesus grant me the graces that I need that will transform and renew my life according to your will. Help me realize that you are the source of all our strength and courage to face the turmoil of life with trust in your divine presence in us. Helped me, Lord in all aspects of my way in following you. Amen.