For many, the gospel for today in Mt. 15: 21-28, is the gospel of the faith of the Canaanite woman, and indeed it is. But for me is also the gospel of interculturality; because even though Jesus will say “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”, still, in the end, He will surrender himself to the great faith of the woman: “Oh woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you according to your wish.” Precisely, that’s the meaning of Catholic: universal, for all.

Since ever I admire this gospel, this woman, who can bear the ‘insult’ of the Jews to the foreigners, calling them dogs, and still, she continues begging: “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters”. Great level of faith, and great level of resilience! How I wish to have it!

As Palau, in times of trials, he can say to the Church, his beloved: “You know me, you know of what I am capable of; you know very well that I am not afraid to the life or to the dead, nor prison neither exile, nor hanger, neither thirst and that the world will not make me twist my ways” (MR 8, 28).

Deep challenge of the gospel for all of us today, who want to grow in our following to Jesus. The journey is not free of trials, but one thing is sure, Jesus is there along the way, giving his hand to us, carrying us, if necessary, but we must do our part. Even if we don’t ‘feel’ him, the call is to persevere, as He persevered carrying His cross, because for sure, He is revealing to each one of us in his own time and in his own way. Perseverance is a decision of our mind in front of the will of God, as the Canaanite woman’s insistence, because she knows that Jesus can do miracles not only for the Jews but for all, as the bits of the bread falling from the table of their owners.

Let us persevere in faith with profound resilience, because we know that He will not fail us.