One of the most fascinating images in the Bible is Jesus walking on the water and Peter asking, if it’s really the Lord, then just command, and he will come to Him. He then tried to come to Jesus. If it’s us, will we also dare to come?

Peter had the courage to go to Jesus, but in the middle of a strong wind and big waves, he got afraid and began to sink. We can relate to this because, on some occasions, a Peter emerges inside of us. At first, we are very enthusiastic about obeying His command, but along the way, doubts and anxieties hinder us, and then we think twice about following the Lord. We worry about what we must do even when we’re already told what it is. Maybe it’s the perseverance with which we must keep on embarking. Sometimes, when we feel like giving up in the midst of the storms of life or trials, we tend to cry out for help. The good thing about Peter is that even when he doubts, he knows exactly whom to call, and that is none other than Jesus, who is always to the rescue. All we need to say is “Lord save me”. Are we also humble enough to say it, or do we only rely on our human capacities?

Another point to ponder is in the beginning of the gospel, “he went up on the mountain by himself to pray”. This is a very nice reminder, not only for those in the formation but also for everyone since formation is a continuous process. Jesus teaches us to pray, and one of the best prayers is to come to Him and say, “Lord, save me”. Everybody passes through distress, but we must not forget to communicate with Him through prayer. Remember that action without prayer is dead. Are we too busy and make excuses not to pray?

Lastly, we must keep our faith stronger. This is the message that Jesus also wants to tell us. Like what Fr. Palau said, “Do not worry; place your trust in God, and He will never abandon you” and “Whoever trusts in God is well cared for”. Someone also said, “Faith means to keep walking even when your knees are knocking”. Let us keep on walking with Jesus, who is just one call away and ready to hold us or catch us when we’re almost drowning with the many things in our daily lives, in our relationships with others, and in our mission. But we must persevere to recognize Him, fix our eyes on Him, and reach out to Him too.