41. To Juana Gratias: Gramat (France)

Palma de Mallorca, November 17, 1857

J. M. J.

1. Dearest daughter: Let us go to your spirit. Your march and your flight towards God must always be the primary, principal and essential object of all our correspondence; and neither life nor death nor contradiction nor grace and favor must stop you or paralyse you, and you must begin each day a thousand times and not wait for tomorrow. Spiritual organization and order must be established, fixed and consolidated independently of all material things. And that order must be sustained and preserved (therein lies the miracle), in the midst of an eternal and continuous vicissitude of events, incidents that surround us. It must be immovable, unalterable and invariable in the midst of that wheel of spiritual stations to which the soul is subject while living in mortal flesh. Whatever its outward position may be, whatever turn the outward and the material part may take, all must serve to scale heaven. And you already know what this interior and spiritual order consists of: charity, that is, in uniting oneself with God, conforming oneself to him, and divesting oneself of all that is proper to oneself in order to clothe oneself with God.

2. This union is consolidated in the love of one’s neighbour. Take care of me and I will take care of you. Jesus crucified in his moral body is the object of all the soul’s solicitude and care. Well then, in prayer, see if in you there is an agreement between God and your soul. When you see this agreement, disregard yourself and meditate on the wounds of the moral body of Jesus, and offer yourself as a victim for whatever he wants and demands of you, and in these exercises spend your prayer. The exterior form can and does help the interior in a wonderful way, but the interior and spiritual order does not depend on the good exterior action. Leave this for [when providence will give it and it will be up to me to take advantage of the circumstances that will be offered].

They call me and I am sorry because I would like to extend myself, but I will do so in Ibiza. My care will always be directed principally to this part, as long as I have my head unoccupied.
