In the commentary on the Gospel, we heard today that gratitude springs from a generous heart. Fr. Miguel Ángel reminded us that we can be generous because God has been generous with us. Also, in a Chapter, acceptance and openness to what is different, small, and seemingly insignificant are essential to lead us to light.
In the morning session, after a moment of prayer, Sr. Mª José Gay read the opening remarks and officially declared open the XVI General Chapter. It was filled with words of wisdom, fruit of experience, and a horizon towards which to walk. The capitulars shared the invitations and echoes of what they heard, thanking her for that valuable and clear message: very human, concise, and at the same time profound and practical.
We continued with the approval of the regulations, the election of the “escrutadoras” (Sisters Patricia Dina Josee Raharisoa and Maricris Gonzalez Malabana), and two capitulars who will become part of the Presidencial Council (Sisters Teresa Vives Pertusa and Teresa Ofelia Rosas Naranjo). The facilitator then explained the methodology of work in discernment communities that will be used in the reflection on the reports of the Animation and Government Team.
In the afternoon, we listened to the report of the General Animator. Mª José, with courage and sincerity, captured the reality of the Congregation; she presented a photograph full of signs of life and hope, dreams, concerns, concerns, and desires for change.
Gratitude for what we have seen and heard has once again flooded the hall.

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