Life has two faces; that is the positive and the negative aspect of our being. We could say that life has different cycles when we feel sad, happy, joyful, frustrate, disappointed, and there are times when we are being challenged by the things that are going on around us. Same what the gospel of Like would like to show. There are also the positive and negative respond from within, in which Jesus use the word “Blessed are you…” and “Woe to you…”. The Beatitude is referred to the state of happiness or blessedness. I could say that, it is a light and a guide in our life, in where we could live a more meaningful life. Jesus said: “Blessed are you who are poor, hungry, who weep and when people hate you” On the other side, it says, “Woe to you who are rich, filled with, and even those who laugh”. Hala! What is this? Jesus has no intention to make us feel confused, nor be anxious or even doubting. Jesus wants us to understand that here on earth, we are bound to the consequence of our actions. He is telling us to be watchful and vigilant to what might be the result of our actions. Aside from it, we have to know what our priorities are. Are they important or not? Do they bring us joy or no? There are things in life we have to let go, not because we are not happy with them, but because there is something that is not helping us or there are much greatest things awaiting us. Jesus would like to tell us that true happiness cannot be found in material things. For these, our gospel tries to invite us to be courageous to seek what is beneficial for others and nor for ourselves alone. It is seeking justice, being kind and compassionate, being generous and most of all being faithful to our commitment to Christ’s teaching in doing our role in our daily life. It also remind us to be mindful of doing what is right, good and just by becoming men and women for others, by finding God in all things, set the world on fire where God rejoices in us and we in Him. Rejoice and be glad, your reward will be in heaven. Amen.

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