Sister Olga Olano shares what one singular experience has supposed in her life. Today, the first tablet. A testimony of God’s ways.
Allow me, sisters and brothers, to take some of your time. After months of required and procured silence, I feel the urgent necessity to tell thing out, to tell them to you, to make you participants, at least in some little part, of what there is in my heart.
I think I will have to share with you in small dosage, I would say in tablets, this experience that changed my life filling it with meaning.
After thinking it over and over, I’ve decided… to begin from the end.
The end by now, because this hasn’t yet finished. My heart tells me that there is still a long road to travel.
Those of you who feel desire to know this story, I invite you not only to know it, but to take part in it. An active part. To commit yourself.
You could tell me “it’s enough”, that to commit oneself for some cause we need to now what it is about and of course, I agree with you. But to commit ourselves with someone is simpler. I will explain it to you a little and I am sure you will understand.
Everything begun for me in January 2019, but it became even more concrete on march 4 that year. That day I fetched at the airport of Madrid one person who would have become someone very important in my life. Her name is Marcela Macagno, young CMT sister. “Mommy Angel” for many child victims of human and drug trafficking. She was arriving to Spain after exile in Rome and Philippines.
In following days I will continue telling you what it has been supposing to share my life with her. With her and with thousands of grandchildren that God has given me together with her. Today I just ask of you – those who freely desire it – a small commitment:
You can cover your ears. You can also look in another direction, get busy with another stuff. You can convince yourself that they don’t exist, that it is not real. But… what if it was your child, or your nephew, or someone very dear to you?
Let us help this children, let us dedicate them some of our time. I know that maybe it will seem stupid for you, but I assure you that what I am going to suggest to you really works. Dedicate just few moments every day to welcome in your heart and in your arms these children so in pain, maltreated, scared. Let us embrace them with our whole soul. I can assure you they will feel it. Love has no barriers. They need this experience of family to be able to remake their lives. They need to feel that they are unique and important for someone. This someone could be you. Yes, even though you can’t see them. Call him Joseph, call her Mary. They are many, more than you could imagine. More than 8000 wit name, with concrete face, those who were saved only in this cause. You can multiply. It’ s a business too attractive for persons without common sense.

For you, my CMT sister and lay members of our family, I have a special thing to ask: with Palau, with Teresa Mira, with so many sisters who offered themselves for the good of the children in our history, let us unite among us, let us put mission in the center, this mission of saving and restoring the wounded face of Christ in his suffering members. Let us make true effort in it:
When there is true love, all steps are taken, and no medicines are left untried;
all resources are used, and even one’s own life is exposed.
Struggle, Letter of Director 20
Maybe today, not so far from each one of us, thousands of children and young people suffer so many atrocities to which they are subjected. Welcome them, Embrace them, intercede and pray for them. And those of you who don’t believe in God: a positive thought to transmit them strength and hope. Not so bad for beginning.
In following days I will continue telling you what God was asking of me and what He gave me; and how, with them, I became the mysterious grandmother, the grandmother of long arms. I will tell you how God gave another meaning to my vocation.
Olga Olano, cmt
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