Curious thing! Yesterday I already had ready the next chapter of this sharing and… it just disappeared, I didn’t save it. My first reaction was anger, of course. But this morning, when I was filled with some profound sensation of sadness, a small ray of light came unto me: maybe it wasn’t the first thing that I wanted to tell you.

What comes out in this moment, is more complicated. But this is what I bear in my heart, and it’s been months since I started to learn how to allow it to guide me.

I need to ask you, with all humility of the world, but also with much seriousness, that you be careful, because the place where we are standing is a holy place, and a very holy one. It’s a holy place because it is sowed with pain, the pain of the innocent: the pain of the young persons and children who suffer because of atrocities of “the monsters” (this is how the victims call those who stay behind the nets of human trafficking and the clients who use their services); the pain of the families who suffer because of disappearance of their children, of not knowing what is happening to them, of recovering them so damaged, of discovering that they had died… The pain of “Mommy Angel” who had to disconnect from her children knowing what this sensation of abandonment and lie would mean for them.

And also other pains, like the pain of those of us who felt so little support or indifference from the part of those who are supposed to be the caregivers, of those who are said to share the mission. The pain of knowing that even those who are making this mission more difficult, have access to this “holy place” and they will take advantage of this knowledge in the way that their hardened heart will suggest to them, without thinking about consequences. Today we cannot say anymore that we don’t know what’s going on. Nobody can excuse her/his irresponsibility with not being aware of the consequences of what we say or do.

After all this, I cannot be silent. It’s burning me inside. The cry of wounded Christ urges me, with a new face for me which requires from us our care and attention. I know that many of you welcome him continuously with a bounteous heart and collaborate as far as you can. I am thankful to each one of you.

Allow me to tell you more: my collaboration comes from my commitment as a woman, and a woman of faith, of believer in the God of Jesus of Nazareth, a woman consecrated full of enthusiasm for palautian carism that invites to set free, to restore… everyday more filled with meaning and challenges for me. I tell you this because it something which constitutes me as a person and it will come out many times in me sharing. I cannot do it any other way. Conscious about so many persons who, without defining themselves as believers, give so so good an example of living from the bounty that you bear.

During those months I have read so many testimonies of the children who were saying: “We just knew you would come, we were waiting for you, you had heard our cries”. Many children and young continue waiting and crying.

Listen to their cries!

It is urgent to give an answer. For them, the time didn’t stop, it runs against them; every minute thousands of them are being victims of torture… of death. While you are waiting, they continue suffering and, wherever you might be, I’m sure that very near to you the situation is the same.


Olga Olano, cmt