The video we are about to present is one tne community from Lucena, “Reina del Carmelo”, has presented as a voice against Human Trafficking.

Invited by the provincial team of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation the sisters from Philippines unite to send this message. All the voices proclaimed by sisters from different places of the European Province and of the Delegation of Asia.

We, the Carmelite Missionary Teresian Sisters and Lay Palautians and the JPIC team of the Province of Europe, say with one voice “NO TO THE TRAFFICKING OF PEOPLE” to say “NO TO WHATEVER THAT RUIN LIVES OF CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS”.

“Human trafficking continues to be a deep wound in the body of contemporary humanity,” in the words of Pope Francis.

We join in the commitment together with so many institutions to help victims rebuild their lives, and to unify efforts to prevent traffickers from exploiting people for their own gain.

Today is a day to raise awareness of this scourge of society, to intercede for the victims and for those who are working on behalf of these innocents, trusting in the voice of Jesus, the only one capable of mobilizing with meaning, of transforming the stagnant structures, the paralyzed mentality and the dehumanized attitudes.

The European JPIC team invited the cmt communities and individuals of the Province to collaborate in the production of a video. In the same way they invited the communities of Asia, of the Delegation of St. Lawrence Ruiz, to do so. This is the reason the two videos were created.