Yes, I woke up today like this and I would like to share it with you.
These are days when darkness, for different reasons, invades my spaces. So many dark realities. So much accumulated pain… And… suddenly, a necessity, an urgency of returning to certainty: “Ba calm, Olga, this is the WORK OF GOD and He will continue bringing it to its end no matter what, no matter of our many reasons”.
And with this certainty, THE NECESSITY OF RECOVERING THE CENTER. Because for us the risk is not to lose life, or leave our properties (like a rich young man in a Gospel), or lose our image that we have constructed with much effort, or lose this sensation of power that having access to information gives us… The risk in our life of believers is to lose the center and our center can only be TO COLLABORATE IN THE WORK OF GOD, THAT IS, THE CHURCH. Up to the point of giving our life. Every day, or in one moment, if it was necessary.
You may ask me where is this coming from. It comes from the point that if the essence is to collaborate in the work of God, all other things become automatically relative in our life. It doesn’t matter anymore if I am the protagonist, if I know or not, if what is happening is connected to my moments or no. What matters is that God is the one at work and thet He needs me and you as instruments of collaboration, abandoned in His hands to make of us what He likes and when He likes, without having to give me explanations. From there it will happen that I might not know how, but He will continue acting and opening ways, the way I have experienced in so many moments this time. Who would tell me that if He is silent it’s not because you or me need time to get aware of from where we are acting or WHAT ARE THE CENTERS THAT PUT ME FAR FROM THE CENTER. Once more He redirects the crumpled lines of the history waiting that His people will recognize its mistakes and convert itself. Once more and again. In some occasions the cost are the painful lost on the way, in others being able to direct the events on time. And all we can to is to TRUST.
Today I give you a testimony of Mary, a little while before her death. The damages those children suffer continue killing them even time after having been rescued:
“I am happy, mommy angel, I am not afraid of dying. I was only asking God that, if He existed (now I know he do exist), I didn’t want to die by the hands of the monsters. Every day was a terror and fear of dying because of what they were doing to me, and I thought I wouldn’t survive every night when they were torturing me like this. And I was asking God that He wouldn’t allow me to die like this by the hands of those pigs.
And look at me, one year, one month, six days and 10 hours that I live in peace and nobody harms me, I have a family who loves me, my mommy angel, my mysterious grandma and many uncles and aunts, three fake grandmas who come to visit me and persons in the hospital who treats me right.
I am not afraid of dying because God fulfilled what I was asking for and gave me more than I was asking for, entire year, this is muuuuuuuuuuuuch more than I was asking for. I didn’t want any other thing in life than to die in peace and not by the hands of them, damaged and destructed… I am dying in peace, loved and cared… Can you understand what it means, mommy angel? I am happy, God makes miracles, He made one for me”
Their bodies are so wounded that many of them have died few days after having been rescued and others, like Mary, little more than one year after. What can ou say about her trustful prayer? What can you say about the object of her prayer?
“I DIDN’T WANT TO DIE BY THE HANDS OF THOSE MONSTERS”. Maybe in somethings it is similar to what causes our affliction. What an irony, the experts in prayer, in trust to God…! In so many things we feel capable of even giving lessons to others, many times from our empty lives, loaded with commodities and securities. Lives unable of taking real risk for nobody. In front of us there are testimonies of those children who cries for life or for death in peace, loved and cared. What can they teach us, so attached to life, is that death is not the worst thing that can happen to us. Yes, there are miracles. Mary recognizes it. I believe it firmly. And they happen when we are centered because it is then that everything, even the worst chaos, recovers its order, the nature gives us an unthinkable rainbow, the children are found and rescued by hundreds, what seemed humanly impossible relocates without effort in one second, the little ones die feeling loved and welcomed…

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