The actualization of palautian message in our „today” could be translated: to know God in his Trinitarian mystery is not only possible but desirable and achievable in contemplative gaze and faith of human person, community of neighbor, the body of the Church, the whole of created beings. In all of them the image of Triune God is printed, a living image that we need to preserve, protect, care for, announce and serve to. We are called to experience more deeply our own being living images of Trinity, knowledge and experience of faith that constrain us to love of works towards our neighbor, towards attainment of happiness that God wants for each one of his creatures. The Christian have great responsibility of presenting true God to the people of each historical period. Because of it, we ought to work every day for constructing in the world the great project of fraternity that God desires for all. Because God is shared love, is communion, and the persons are made at his image and likeness. In Him there are roots of our life and our being. To believe and celebrate Triune God it is to discover with amazement and joy that the source of our live is in God Community and Family; it is to feel from the depths of the soul the calling to search for our true happiness in universal sharing, in fraternal solidarity and relationships with creation.

Let us pray with words of Pope Francis:

Triune Lord,

wondrous community of infinite love,

teach us to contemplate you in the beauty of the universe,

for all things speak of you.

Awaken our praise and thankfulness

for every being that you have made.

Give us the grace to feel profoundly joined

to everything that is.

Let us pray with Francisco Palau:

Heavenly Father, you have given me your Daughter as my Spouse,

and you have commanded me to love her with all my heart:

“Thou shalt love thy God and thy neighbours for God’s sake, as thyself”.

God and the neighbours form one moral body which is your Church.

The Church is my Beloved, I am her slave,

because love is the bond which captivates the lovers;

in fulfilling your commandment I am slave of your Church (MR 9,42)

Hna. Josefa Pastor Miralles CMT