After the death of Jesus, today is the day of mourning and praying, of few words, when we accompany Mary who kept silence in front of this tragedy and pain because of the loss of her Son. But her silence is not bitter, it’s an acceptation of God’s will in spite of the great pain.
In that time many remained in lost of illusion, as if the death of Jesus had killed the flame that they felt in their hearts while listening to his teachings, while seeing him serving and loving the most despised of his time. Without any doubt, he had marked their lives, but after this apparent final the only thing they were feeling was sadness and desconsolation. And you, our Mother Mary, before the closed tumb, remain calm, in silence and without losing hope. What your soul was experiencing is impossible to express with words, because you felt the sword trespassing your heart. But God gave you the grace to accept with peace and joy his ways.
Mother, today we want you ask you to increase our faith and our trust to be able to see and accept that always at the back of every suffering and death there is hope and life. May we live like you and every day we will contemplate in our lives the mysteries of God and meditate them in our hearts.

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