12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Way back a decade ago I used to travel by a ship going to Palawan to have a vacation in the family of my brother. Normally, I will go there during summer time because it’s a perfect time for the travelers to ravel the calm sea. It’s really peaceful. I was also amazed and in awe with the wonders of the sea: seeing the deep blue sea and its creatures especially when the dolphins were in their showtime. One time, there was a turmoil that had happened. We had an outing in an island and we had a hard time coming back due to the sea level. The waves were rolling under the boat. It was dark already. One tried to dive to check it out underneath. Deep inside I was frightened because there were kids with us. Everybody was silent and for sure fervently praying that everything will be fine. The elders who were with us were comforting us that nothing bad will happen. Safely, we were able to return in our place. What an experience!
In the gospel reading according to Mark 4:35-41, the disciples were so anxious that their boat will give in to the big waves. They were at panic while Jesus is at sleep. They cried out, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” (v. 38) Then, Jesus calms the storm with a word, but then he chides the disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (v. 40)
With the experience we had above, I asked the Lord, “Do you not care for us?” It could be one of the unforgettable events of His assurance of His great love for us. A manifestation of His presence that truly He hears the cry of His people.
So why panic? Panic is simply saying that the people are not in control. Jesus’ presence in the boat tells us not to be afraid. We will have doubts. There might be storms in our way but these are spices of our life that will help us fathom our journey with Him as Christians, as missionaries. It is to go back and trust again and again to God. It is a time that I needed to hear His voice ordering: “Quiet, Be Still.” That Jesus is with us.
The invitation here is, panic no more because Jesus presence is a reminder of His Father’s abiding presence in us. Jesus was just as much in control and isn’t terrified to what had happened. It is also telling to me, telling to us that everything will be fine. He will never abandon us despite of our doubts He remains faithful.
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