In the Philippines, every Christmas season, kids and adults alike go door to door, belting out Christmas carols — “Jingle Bells”, “Silent Night”, and “Ang Pasko ay Sumapit” are among the popular ones — hoping to get in return an “aguinaldo” of candies, chocolates, or cash. There are those who sing a capella or with accompaniment. Kids creatively use recyclable materials to make makeshift instruments like drums and tambourines or any improvised musical instruments. Adults usually bring along their guitar and musicians their blowing instruments.

Amidst the pandemic, the beneficiaries of our Center still continue this Filipino tradition. Kids take courage knocking doors and sing Christmas carols hoping to receive something for their snacks, money for their dinner to be brought back home.

The children have their own stories to share with us, even in the difficult time, they continue to spread the joy of Christmas. In their littleness they touch our hearts and reminds us of a littleness of the child Jesus, the Emmanuel who is always with us.

We dedicate this Christmas Carols of the children to all our benefactors who has been generously shared their resources to the Sr. Teresa of Sto. Niño Center. Thank you for continuing to support the mission and for changing the lives of those we serve together.