Loving well does not come naturally. If it came naturally, without any effort, we wouldn’t need it to be a commandment. Loving well doesn’t mean feeling well about someone. Ii is not some nice general idea. The first reading from Exodus explains it clearly: love is made in concrete situations. And they are not easy situations, they are counter-natural. Because it is natural for us to treat people who need our help with superiority, even to take advantage of them. THe immigrant never have the same rights like the citizens. The widows and orphans are reraly taken into account. Whenever we have opportunity to benefits from lending money to others, for sure we will do. Up to the point of taking the last security, the last belonging from the poor as long as we don’t lose anything that is ours. Loving like this goes against our sense of justice, against our will of gaining. We are so scared of being “scammed” by the poor. Many times we don’t help them because we suspect that they are taking advantage of us. This way, social relationships become a field of battle, of “being smart”, od seeing who takes advantage of whom. Only if we know how to love from the perspective of the first commandment (“loving our God with all our heart”) we can begin being brothers, not enemies. It is not even that we need to love others more than we love ourselves. It is about putting God in first place, not them, and not ourselves. Only this way we can experience true brotherhood and sisterhood, mutual love, that is, mutual will of doing always good for the loved one.

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