Climb like Zacchaeus… get out of ourselves and receive Jesus LIFE with great joy in our homes. Be willing to leave our comfort zones, to live humbly, with an open heart… We must respond quickly and joyfully to this invitation.
With a hug and the song “Happy Birthday” we celebrate today the gift of life of our Sr. Inés Fernández. After breakfast, we continued with personal discernment and reflection, followed by community discernment on the realities of life and mission of all the provinces. In the plenary session, we discussed the choices that have strengthened our missionary identity, God’s calls, and practical solutions to the challenges.
In the afternoon session, we continued our dialogue. We received an initial motivation and evaluation of the Interprovincial Juniorate in Paterna, Spain, followed by the methods implemented. We concluded the session by reflecting on community life with the aim to strengthen our relationships and keep our lives focused on the mission.
At the end of the day, we participated in a thanksgiving celebration for the gift of our congregation and the lives of each province. The prayer reminded us that we are one soil and one heart. The three bowls of soil brought by each province were carried barefoot by the provincial animators as a sign of respect for the sacredness each one holds and is beloved by God. Sr. Maria Jose mixed the soil to make it one, representing our unity and common filiation. Each sister has taken a portion of this soil to remind us to bear witness that we are one soil and one heart. We are one body.
Finally, we were able to greet the lay people who will be joining the chapter work and eat dinner together as a family.

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