Remembering Mary’s presentation, in the temple of our hearts, we try to be more aware of the One who is always with us. Mary, the perfect type of church, inspires us with her constant yes, faithfulness, and perseverance to carry on the work entrusted to us, sisters and lay together.
We dedicated the entire day to conversations in the Spirit in accordance with synodal methodology, seeking to discern the invitations we were hearing in what we reflected on and what others shared in the sessions that followed. Pacing with the silences to let it resonate and see where it leads us.
Each discernment community enhanced the contributions received from their counterpart. In the afternoon, we formed three mega-communities of discernment with the goal of mutually illuminating our reflections. The fruit of our listening was then presented to the assembly, and we continued to add what resonated to us.
We ended the day with a prayerful celebration of peace, presenting to God everything we had done. We spent some time after dinner celebrating fellowship with some entertainment, songs, and dances.

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