Throughout the day, the homily from today has remained relevant. Regarding the Gospel passage, Fr. Felicísimo Martínez has emphasized Jesus’s response to the Pharisees’ perverse inquiries: either a profound silence or a perverse response. Additionally, they appear to be moving on two quite different planes: Jesus’s plane of God and theirs, the worldly one.
After breakfast, we started the day of discernment in silence under the direction of Mariña Ríos, a Company of Mary religious, a coach, and a graduate of psychology and religious sciences. An initial phase before the election of the General Animator and the entire General Animation and Government team.
Sister Mariña encouraged us to begin with great courage and availability while committing to be faithful towards the spirit of Jesus and one’s own charism. Settling down ourselves down and being silent, coming to live it from freedom and depth, doing what is necessary to discern, welcoming what is revealed as God’s will, and welcoming when the time comes to respond from availability.
She reminded us of the model of evangelical leadership that we should follow in our lives. In the manner of Jesus. The capacity for leadership that our constitutions require (C102), the historical need that we recognize from the reality presented these days, from the signs of the times, from the charism and the calls that we have been sensing… should guide our prayerful and lucid search for the best person to respond to for the good of the Congregation and the entire Body of the Church, God, and our neighbors. Discern, we must prepare ourselves to make decisions based on genuine motivations, honesty, and without calculations or strategies. In freedom, in righteousness, willing to discern, open to welcome the Spirit and pray, ask for the necessary information if one needs it, and be open to whatever comes up. The sign that confirms the will of God will be a profound peace.
The counselor suggested that we examine our conscience regarding our current emotions, thoughts, and attitudes. At noon, after a personal prayerful reflection, we each shared three essential characteristics of people who could assume leadership in the General Team of Government and Animation: in this ecclesial and congregational reality, and taking into account the God-given calls that we have found. The fruit of the synodal conversations in the discernment communities was shared in the plenary. We all welcomed the lights, a maximum of five characteristics from each group, that emerged to us through this spiritual discernment exercise.
The afternoon provided additional suggestions for good discernment: pray for one another and for the Congregation. Look for the right person and determine if their motivations are evangelical. Take into account the benefits that will bring to the Congregation with the choice of this particular person. Also, there are limitations. Try to take care of their freedom without imposing conditions on others.
The evening prayer has placed us in the arms of the Lord, in his presence, to speak about everything that has occurred, to compare our intuitions with him, and to express our desire to seek his will.
The last announcement before leaving indicated what awaits us tomorrow: silence until lunchtime. In the morning, after the Eucharist and breakfast as usual, we will proceed in the same prayerful attitude to vote and elect the new General Animator.

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