To see a road under construction is our an ordinary view in our modern times. It couses some inconvenience for all the drivers, a lot of pollution for those living near, disturbance because of the noise and dust. But the maintenance of the roads and construction of new ones is a necessity if we want our lives to improve.
I think of it today when I read this Sunday Gospel. The road for the Lord is under construction. Our souls are still under construction. And it may cause some inconvenience and disturbance to us and those around us. The hills of our pride have to be lowered: we need to experience humilliation and impotence, the limitations of our own potentials. The valleys have to be leveled: our immaturity has to be left already behind, it’s time to become adults in faith. This process is painful, uncomfortable. It means a total change, the metanoia, conversion. Many times we prefer to complain about the state of the road (or our heart) but we don’t want to change because its cost is high. We may also lose some relationships that were benefiting of our immature self and won’t find us useful anymore. It’s hard. But it’s necessary.
I think of earthquakes, landslides, other natural calamities that make humanity suffer. It’s true that we ourselves are responsible for many of them because of our irresponsible use of natural resources and not carying for the creation. But maybe it is also God preparing the way for the second coming of Jesus, lowering the mountains, leveling up the valleys… Our souls, and the whole world, are under construction. Let’s prepare ourselves for the Lord is about to come!
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