Mary is for Francisco Palau “the Woman” available for the will of God, “the Missionary Virgin” given totally to the plan of God and who motivates human beings to live the vocation of total consecration to the Church, Christ and neighbor. She is the model and the most furnished and perfect figure of availability to the project of God.

The attitude of Mary is the one of being on the way. The Gospel says: “The Virgin went and started her journey…” (Lk 1:39).

Mary was the pure and total availability for the Lord, even in the darkest and most difficult moments of her life. She was a free and voluntary availability, generous and grateful offering to the will of God.

The commitment and availability of the Virgen Mary were unlimited and unconditional, tested through many situations and suffered incommodities, without expectation of glory or prestige. It was a true commitment of faith and love. They are for us a source of consolation and a model of life to follow. As a Mother of the Church, she shows to us, with the example of her life, her tenderness and attention, and indicates how to dispone our spirit to be open for relationship of love with the Church.

That was possible thanks to her “yes”. To the angle who asked of her availability to become the Mother of Jesus, Mary answered: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord: be it done to me according to your word”.

“The availability to God – says Pope Francis – can be found in the will of assuming the needs of our neighbor”.



 Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you,

Blessed are you among women

And blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

Pray for us sinners

Now and at the hour of our death.



Gentle woman, quiet light,

Morning star, so strong and bright.

Gentle Mother, peaceful Dove,

Teach us wisdom, teach us love.


You were chosen by the Father,

You were chosen by the Son,

You were chosen from all women

And for woman shining one.


Blessed are you among women,

Bless in turn all women, too.

Blessed are they with peaceful spirits,

Blessed they with gentle hearts.