Times that we have been passing through due to this virus provoked that our securities seem affected. Our perspective of the future seems undermined. Our hope seems dislocated due to the uncertainty and fear of what will happen tomorrow, if our dreams and projects will be frustrated.
This is the situation in which many people find themselves. It was also the situation of Zachariah and Elisabeth: their age, sterility, have frustrated their plan of having children, something that in Hebrew culture had much importance, since it was seen as a sign of malediction, curse, because it can result in disappearance of a whole clan and tribe, with whole its cultural heritage.
That’s why even though they prayed with faith to make their dream come true for the good of the whole tribe, they did not believe in the message of an Angel: their lack of faith is the reflection of their hopelessness, their fears and misgiving.
The announcement of a child is the answer of God to their supplication, but the most important thing is what God is planning to do in favor of his people with those children: Samson, who will guide the destiny of his people, and Juan who will announce the coming of the Lord.
All of this goes together with the demand for mothers to be careful and fulfill some privations that will guarantee that the favor of God will accompany their children and the plan of salvation, which God wishes to fulfill for his people and the whole of humanity, will become reality.
For us, the experience of prayer, as a link of trust and hope in the middle of our fears and insecurities, where God answers to our supplications even if they seem impossible, should be a constant where we grow in friendship with God, where we open ourselves to God’s plan and where we see our petitions becoming wider.
The Lord is near, John is announcing that, „a child born from petition and listening, from silence and voice of God”, makes us move and prepare to receive him when He will come and knock at the door of those hearts that are ready to welcome him and make reality in their lives the construction of peace, fraternity and charity – the eloquent signs of God who works and listens our aspirations. God who makes himself close and works miracles even when we have already stopped waiting and hoping in them.
Fr. Wilson Ascensio Callejas
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