We are on the 3rd day of our reflection and awareness about the necessity of fraternity and sorority for the good of all, and in this case as journey for dignification and restauration of the place of a woman in society and the Church.
Many people this year is asking about the publc manifestations on March 8, if they will be able to participate due to the pandemic. For some these manifestations are just a spectacle; others come up because they fight for ther daughter, sister, mother who was raped, discriminated, hit, abused, devalued, killed… Maybe for some it is all about “the politics of our times” and they don’t feel identified with it, but maybe for many people the impotence and desire for the situation of women to change will lead them to participate, to be the voice of so many women who were silenced because they felt this necessity to revindicate their rights as a woman.
Because of all of these, we would like this week to be meaningful, powerful, visible and appealing, where everyone will feel as protagonist of “manifest, raise your voice, fight”. Maybe it won’t be possible to have some massive events, but we really can do something, even small things, which are at our hand.
Let us put color to our houses, terraces, door and windows, schools, businesses and workplaces… Let us color them violet, sign and color of the fight against the violence: laces, baloons, charts that our neighbors and towns can see THAT IN THIS HOUSE, IN THIS SCHOOL, IN THIS WORKPLACE WE DEFEND AND PROTECT LIFE OF EVERY WOMAN, NO MATTER OF HER AGE, STATE OR CONDITION.
Let us recreate the 8M manifestations and make this common case visible.
In our schools, let us make patent our fight for the women’s rights and equality, let us work this theme creatively.
In our communities and families, let us create space of dialogue about this theme and revise our tabu, prejudism and ideas that can contribute to the structures that are not inclusive or oppresive for the women.
The change we can make it among all. We can make this 8M something different, with meaning and depth. It’s a task and challenge for all.
Until monday we invite you to be attentive to the testimonies, allow them to touch your heart and share. Let us be the voice of those who have no voice, and a channel of diffucion so that the world may know that AS PALAUTIAN FAMILY WE SUSTAIN AND CARE FOR LIFE, DIGNITY AND, IN THIS CASE, FOR EVER WOMAN.
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