In these days of preparation for the celebration of the anniversary of the death of Venerable Teresa Mira, we will focus our attention on the virtues heroically practiced by Teresa. The theological life was the center of the spirituality of Sister Teresa Mira, who firmly projected her life in the attitude of believing, loving and hoping, moved by grace and founded solely on the infallible authority of God.

When we speak of the heroic exercise of Teresa’s virtues, we will mention that of the Palautian doctrine that nourished her religious life capitally. The first contact with the daughters of Father Palau, in 1912 in Novelda, put her in communion with the figure and spirit of the founder. The novitiate was the crucible that shaped her being of Teresian Carmelite Missionary. All her religious life she lived embodying the congregational charism, recreating it in her personal experience of mission.
Prayer through the intercession of Sr. Teresa
O God, you take delight in the simple and the pure of heart!
Glorify your servant Teresa whose ideal in life was to love you with unassuming dedication,
and to give herself for love of you to all whom she met.
Give us the grace to love you as she did, without reserve,
and the favour we now ask through her intercession.
Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
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