Today, on the sixth Sunday of Easter, Jesus is already preparing for his ascension. Perhaps this is one of the saddest parts of Easter weeks when Jesus announces his imminent departure. Jesus’ farewell makes a gradual change in the lives of those who witnessed His resurrection. But he always assures that there will be a helper who will move us in behalf of Him. It is clearly shown in the three readings of our today’s reflections.
In the first reading, Jesus’ disciple Philip brought something new and brought joy back to the people of Samaria proclaiming the risen Christ to them. His presence clearly convinced them that Christ will be present in the heart of the city to cast out demons and restore health of the people. Peter and John were also in great fate that the presence of Christ will also be accepted in their own land by receiving the Holy Spirit through baptism. The situations of the disciples remind us of how Father Palau devoted himself to enlightening people and welcoming Christ into their lives, seeking ways to proclaim the hidden beauty of the Church to those in need of healing and care.
This is what the second reading might tell us. Respect and kindness must be shown when people of different faiths ask the reason for our hope. Avoid arguing about our faith, but rather become a source of peace for others so that they can know Christ and accept Him in their lives. Saint Peter thus reminds us to face our challenges as followers of Christ. We always seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This way, the words we proclaim are always inspired by the Holy Spirit, enabling us to move forward in fulfilling our duties and missions.
When you love someone, how can you keep that love alive though when you are separated by a distance? Are you ready to be faithful? In today’s Gospel, Jesus promised his disciples that he would send a helper to care for them, but a condition to remain in-love with him for them is to keep his teachings faithfully. “You know O Church that If I live, I live because of You and only for you” (Fr. Palau). Fr. Palau remain in-love with the Church from whom he is getting his strength and inspiration to move and to live. The mutual love of Jesus with his Father will also remain in the heart of those who remain in-love with Jesus.
Our world needs true love. In the midst of war, terrorism and violence, the lack of love is evident. The Spirit of Truth, the advocate that Jesus will send to us, is not easily received by many. Because they do not know enough the Spirit of Truth. Our lives today are full of lies. We live in false happiness of lies and distorted truths. Who will correct us when lies are stronger than truth? We lack of love, we distort truth because there is a greediness, ambitions, and power; love is artificial, loving is only to comply. Freedom comes with love ready to accept the Truth of love. This will introduce us to the Father so that in full he will reveal himself. Jesus promises to send the paraclete who will be unveiled in our very eyes when truth will set us free.
We pray that our world today may accept the Truth and the only one TRUTH who will help us to see and experience the merciful power of God.

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