“Nation shall come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes round about and see; they all gather together they come to you, your sons shall come for far and your daughters shall carried in the arms” [Isaiah 60;3-4].

This great feast centers on God’s universal salvific plan to the rest of humanity and no longer just to the Jews. Specifically, it celebrates the manifestation or revelation of the savior, Jesus Christ, to the Gentile world as represented by the three Wise Men from East. In this solemnity of Epiphany, let’s contemplate our Lord Jesus with the three Magi and in our reflection our question is: what means Epiphany for me and for us?

The solemnity of Epiphany is sometimes called Three Kings. On this Solemnity we remember the biblical event of the visit of the Magi, Three Kings, to the stable in Bethlehem following the birth of Jesus. They arrive from the East bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh for infant Jesus, revealed as the savior for all people. Every nation on earth will adore Him. The shining star sought by Wise Men from East searching for foretold King Herod’s palace they asked where is He who has been born the King of the Jews. Herod pretending to honor the child, instructed the Magi to tell him once they would find the child. They found the child and parents, they worshiped the child giving him gifts of gold, incense and myrrh. After the visit to Jesus, the Magi return home by another way. 

In the Gospel the Magi searched for Jesus, He is God and the King of the kings, through a star who guide in their search. In our life, do we also search for him, wanting to find him and be with him? Or are we too content with what the world has offer and longer desire for that eternal home in heaven? 

Sometimes our search for the Lord will not always be a smooth sailing quest. There will be difficulties and challenges on the way but always we will find the star to help us. In the Gospel these obstacles are represented by Herod. The good thing is that God never stops guiding us, always is with us in every moment.

In this Solemnity of the Epiphany, let us ask God ‘s continuous guidance that we may overcome whatever prevents us from getting closer to Jesus in every moment of our life.