“We do not agree or accommodate. When we are rebuked, discouraged, or belittled, we tend to shout louder. Palautian prophets: serving the Church with firmness and enthusiasm, but also with constructive criticism; bringing to life the mystery of Jesus in a risky and creative way; and accepting the risk of misunderstanding and rejection.” With this, Fr. Pedro Deza’s expressions, we set out to listen to today’s reports.
Today we heard the reports from the three provinces. Each provincial has presented the realities of their province, including its strengths and concern, signs of life in their commitment, and the work rendered to be a woman passionate about the Church. Right after each report, in a climate of discernment and mutual listening, we reflect individually and then share in the community of discernments the challenges to be faced and the options for overcoming them.
The fruits of this sharing and reflection on the life and realities of all the provinces of the congregation will be shared in the plenary session tomorrow.

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