The chapter community keeps moving forward. Today has been an occasion for sorting out and addressing issues that were left unsettled in previous days. Returning to dialogue in discernment communities on certain topics in order to identify specific key points through listening to each other’s voices. Responding to the questions raised by animation teams and provincial governments has become an open question in order to see potential paths and agree on route guidelines.
The celebrant recalled that, in contrast to what is described in the Gospel, instances of indifference may diminish apostolic zeal, concerns, and passion for God and brothers.
With the addition of Sr. Odette Gapira, elected second general councilor, the entire general team of animation and government team was able to receive a solemn blessing at the end of the Eucharist, followed by a special blessing from the councilors during the chapter assembly.
After a long and exhausting day of work, we arrived for dinner with the laypeople who had come back to continue the collaborative work.

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