We consecrated today with the Eucharist, allowing the Word to bring light and hope into our lives. Today’s Gospel reminds us that we must take our proper place in the construction of God’s kingdom. He wants us to be able to lift our heads because salvation is near. We feel invited to let go of our fears and see reality through “long lights.” To cultivate a deep look beyond the present moment.
It was an intense day of work, as well as a synodal process of listening, discernment, and participation in the search for God’s will for the next eight years.
After breakfast we resumed the work of the Chapter, sisters and laity, reading what has been elaborated so far, in order to discern the contents that will be used to draft the agreements, based on the reflection on the instrumentum laboris and the reports presented by the general and provincial government teams, referring to the laity and sisters..
In the afternoon, we continued with the same methodology.
We ended with a prayer, asking God for new eyes to see his signs of hope and truth in ordinary people, and to look at life more deeply.

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