Our gospel for today Sunday tells us the parable that Jesus used to relay to us an important lesson. It is about two blind persons. What could be the meaning of the gospel? Why is it important to us?
We are made the way that our hearts can teach us, make us feel why to follow and imitate the person we believe in and that whatever our belief is such should also be the content of our words and actions. It is very important for a disciple to have an exemplar teacher. If the disciple wants to know the way to God, from whom should he or she learn? None other than Jesus.
This gospel also teaches us not to judge others because we are also sinners. Everyone has something. It is God who sees our hearts and nobody else. We may be good to others in our actions . Before we focus in the faults of others we must first focus on our own faults. We cannot pretend to remove the speck in others eyes when we failed to notice the log in our own eyes. This gospel teaches us how we must learn to assess ourselves rather than put the blame on our brothers and sisters. If there is anyone who can judge, it is none other than whom has not sinned. He is Jesus. Jesus is the only teacher whom everyone should approach because it is only through him that we can find salvation and the way back to the Father. Jesus is the only teacher we should listen to and to believe in. He is also the guide we should all follow. Why? Because He is the way, the truth and the life. [John 14,6].
Dear brothers and sisters, no one is really without fault. That is why Jesus is teaching us in the gospel of this Sunday to forget other’s fault in the meantime so that we can focus on correcting our own fault. When we try to correct others without first correcting ourselves we end up sounding as hypocrites and nobody will believe us. The message of this Sunday is to look at others not with critical eyes but with a merciful and forgiving heart. Before you start to criticize others we must look into the mirror first.
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