Today, Holy Thursday, we conmemorate the institution of priesthood and the Eucharist as the center and mystery of our faith. In the liturgy the Lord gives us his new commandment of loving to extreme power, of surrending ourselves in the service of others. He Himself, being our king, makes himself small, makes himself a servant giving himself completely without asking anything in exchange.
In the washing of the feet we will see the example he wanted to give us ti imitate. We invite you to contemplate this scene being aware of the figure of Jesus present in a priest. Contemplate in silence and try to listen the voice of God in your heart. Think for a while: Why have Jesus wanted to make this gesture before his Passion? Do I try to be faithful to his commandment of loving the way he loved me? Which is my motivation when I participate in a mass or ecclesial encounters: to be served and criticize what could be better or to put at disposition of others the gifts that God gave me without looking for any acknowledgement?
We ask you, Lord Jesus, the grace of accepting your love. Fill us with it and lead us to give ourselves the way you did. Make grow in us our devotion to your Most Holy Body and that by adoring you every day we may be a better reflection of you for the others.

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