Today marks the beginning of the four-week Advent season, during which we are encouraged to have hearts full of hope and a rejoicing spirit to welcome the child who is to come. How do we spend the four weeks leading up to Jesus’ arrival at the manger? We can’t run or jump to the celebration of Christmas. However, we have to spend these four weeks with patience and perseverance in prayer until we arrive on that great day.

Now, we are living in the era of instant coffee”, and all we want is quick, fast, and speedy. When something doesn’t go our way, we become impatient and irate. It causes us more stress and unsatisfied. How many times have we found ourselves in this scenario, or has it become our habit to be impatient? Patience is a virtue that we have lost sight of these days. But patience will always go together with perseverance.  However, the season of Advent could not be instant and quick.

The readings from the previous weeks focused on preparing for the end time. Everything on Earth has its end. Perhaps upon reading and listening to them, we may experience a hair-raising sensation, for what we heard is happening now. Instead of worrying about the dreadful things that might happen, we should do something.  We must keep praying and living our lives to the fullest while believing that we only have one day to live. Prophet Isaiah reminds us that one day, the Lord’s house would be built on the heights for us to stream toward and see where He is taking us. However, St. Paul in his letter to the Romans is inviting us to conversion, while we still have time. We cannot make things right in one overnight, but we have been given the time to change our crooked attitudes and ways. Doing good for others, making another smile instead of leaving them grudges and hurt. Do not let time fly without spending quality time with others. It is, as if, the Lord is already in front of us. Likewise, the Psalmist is conveying us; he will continue to intercede for us (Jerusalem) to remain and to have peace.  We may not lose hope that God’s promises will happen in due time, but no one knows when the Lord is coming.  What we could do is “stay awake!” Let us live in the present moment and be thankful for what we have. Moreover, the Gospel for tomorrow encouraged us to be always ready and awake.  Even though we are anticipating the arrival of the Master of the house, we wait patiently, with joy, and enthusiasm that there is something great after the period of waiting.  The Master who entrusted the care of his household will expect that everything will be fine in his house. The work will not be done in one day.  He knew that the steward was doing something beneficial to his household.  He believed that his steward will not be outside drinking and merrymaking while he was away from home. Our perseverance in serving our Master can be seen in our faithfulness, and in our commitment to Him. He trusts us so we put also our fidelity and hearts to Him.

Being in the generation of “instant coffee” lets us examine our life when all things are in quick mode; nonetheless, no time to savor the sweetness of life.  We got an undigested life caused by lack of contentment. Instant life will instantly vanish. Patience will help us to prepare ourselves to attain everything. Make this first week a significant waiting step forward, and our thrill and joy will be complete, we will achieve everything with patience.