St. John of the Cross always thinks of a living faith that makes possible, that opens the way to hope and charity. Faith is a theological virtue infused by God into the understanding by which we assent firmly to revealed divine truths.
Teresa believes and loves, and gives her obedience of faith to the will of God and abides unreservedly with the teachings of the Church. She also understood that the gifts of God are meant to serve Christ- Church wholeheartedly, in imitation of the Blessed Virgin. All her service to the brothers was to open them to the gospel and invite them to grow in faith.
“muchas veces he visto a la sierva de Dios cuando las hermanas asistían a misa en la parroquia cómo antes o después de la celebración eucarística, cuando las demás hermanas permanecían en los bancos primero de la nave ella se iba a postrar ante el sagrario en la capilla del santísimo y permanecía en recogida en oración todo el rato que podía”.

Prayer through the intercession of Sr. Teresa
O God, you take delight in the simple and the pure of heart!
Glorify your servant Teresa whose ideal in life was to love you with unassuming dedication,
and to give herself for love of you to all whom she met.
Give us the grace to love you as she did, without reserve,
and the favour we now ask through her intercession.
Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
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