The readings for this Sunday are fascinating. The first reading talks about the Son of Man coming in glory, and the psalm says about the Lord as the ruler who comes in glory and power. The second reading talks about the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus on God’s Holy Mountain. The Gospel is Matthew’s account of the Transfiguration. Every time I come to think about this feast and this Gospel reading there are some thoughts, feelings or questions that come to me.

First is to ponder on what is the relation of this feast to my interior journey of renewing and transforming my life. It’s a moment for me to look at my interior life to see how God is changing and transforming me. This is also a time for me to remember places, circumstances, and events that lead me to change in life. There are really places that are so dear to me and there are like my Mt. Tabor or even people who are close and dear to me that contribute a lot to my spiritual journey of faith. Sometimes it made me feel somehow an attachment like the three disciples present at Jesus’ Mt. Tabor experience who desire and wish to remain on the mountain but they need to go down. I had also some kinds of these experiences especially when I went to a place where I could find my own heaven: sometimes it’s not easy to leave the place, but you will desire to remain. Mostly I can experience that during the retreat where the retreat house is so comfortable and they serve all the delicious meals, you will just hope to extend a bit more of your days in that retreat house but you need to leave and be back to your mission assignment. At the same time, this feast of the Lord’s transfiguration at Mt. Tabor helped me to long more to spend time in the presence of the glorified Lord Jesus so that I can be renewed and continue the mission that I need to do.

The Transfiguration also serves as a reminder to me that if I work hard to achieve the task that GOD has given me, I will share in the splendor of Jesus’ Transfiguration. I can partake in the majesty of the Son of Man in the presence of the Ancient One by being more dedicated to my calling to serve people around me. The Transfiguration feast should be a time of renewal and rededication for all of us. I pray that we as members of Christ’s body who partake every day in the Eucharistic celebration may find the meaning of our existence for God’s kingdom through the mission God gave to us. Amen.