The laypeople who were chosen to participate in this chapter participated in the morning session. The Eucharist and family breakfast marked the prayerful start to the work of an in-depth study.
Sr. Maria Jose Gay, the general animator, welcomed them and reminded everyone that we are all part of the same family. A family was called to share both life and charism; no one possessed it. The Lord has called us to this mission, so we live and work together to witness and spread this gift.
Sr. Adriana, the facilitator, gave us instructions for personal reflection on the “Instrumentum Laboris,” which is a compilation of contributions solicited from various individuals and communities. The following responded to the pre-chapter work: all CMT communities, young people in initial formation, lay people in shared mission, ex-CMT, people who know and relate to us, and the areas of the participative mission.
We initiated a new configuration of discernment communities, though the reading was personal. We had the entire day to carry out a first reading of all contributions. In the next phase, we were asked some questions to get a more detailed analysis of a portion of the total contributions.
D. Jesús García Burillo, Bishop Emeritus of Ávila and friend of the Congregation, came to greet us and had lunch with us.
At the end of the day, echoing the document for the first time, the capitulars thanked the sincerity and transparency of the work done, which allows us to see both the strengths and the things we need to let go of in our congregational reality and the entire Palautian family that we want to be.
After such an intense and exhausting day, we were invited to bring to our hearts and express the conviction that we can rest in God. We heard his invitation: “Come to me, all you who are burdened by a heavy load, and I will give you rest.”

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