Francisco Palau presents Mary as an example of love that has its preference in the fragile, poor and marginalized. He listens to the Church who tells him: “Mary, the Mother of God, the perfect and furnished type of the universal Church … your heart is disposed to take care for the poor and marginalized of the Church” (cf MR 234)

“Prayer is an intimate, friendly and familiar relationship that a man has with God”, this way Palau explains it in his writings (Catechism of Virtues 18,33) and says that for preparation it is enough to make a simple act of love; for this to prepare ourselves interiorly and making echo of his words, we sing:

Para orar, te basta un gesto de amor

muy sencillo y muy simple,

es querer lo que Dios quiere,

no querer lo que no quiere,

es abrirle el corazón,

y ofrecerse a cuanto exija y disponga de ti (Letter 42)

During her life, Mary was coming to her Son pleading for the needs of her other children. The clearest example we see in Cana of Galilee where she obtained from Jesus that he would convert water into wine, to help in the necessities of just married. And with her cries she achieved that Jesus would go ahead of his time of self-revelation to the world as savior, and that his disciples would believe in him. And the most consoling part for us is that this prayer of intercession she continues exercising from heaven, because she never abandons her mission of intercession and salvation.

The Church also should be this “Virgin of prayer”, community of prayer, who filled with faith and hope, every day presents to Father the needs of her children, and glorifies Lord without ceasing, and intercedes for the salvation of the world.

In Francisco Palau dominates the prayer of intercession, and in it the figure of Mary appears as fundamental. The most notable aspect is her powerful intercession as Mother, that is, filiation: “She is mother and the most tender one of all mothers” “Powerful mother” “Omnipotent mother” “Merciful mother” “Mother of the sinners” “Mother who looks tenderly for her children”

Father does whatever Son asks of Him; Son does whatever his Mother asks, and Mother never denies to her children any grace that they ask with confidence. And if on the earth a good son never denies to his mother any just and necessary grace, with more reason in heaven Jesus Christ won’t deny to his Mother whatever she asks him that is just and necessary.

Palau calls Mary “Powerful Mediatrix” referred explicitly in favor of the Church. The act of intercession, that is founded in love for children and continues being her mission in heaven: “From Mary to Jesus and from Jesus to Father”.




You, who makes all things new, renew our hearts with the strength of your Spirit, so that with renewed spirit of communion we might collaborate in your deeds. Mary, Mother of the Church, who knew to live in intimate union of love for God and neighbor, pray for us. Amen.