“As I went up a voice came out from the ruins of the Castle, and said:
–Swear to me love, loyalty and fidelity (…)
–Love you? Is it possible to know you and not to love you? You are infinitely lovable beauty. You show yourself to me and say “swear that you love me”? If I could be sure that you love me . . .
–Do you doubt that? If I did not love you, you would not know me because I would not reveal myself to your eyes.
–Accept my oaths of love, fidelity and obedience.
–I accept them. Where are you going?
–My mission is to announce to the people that you are infinitely beautiful and lovable, and to tell them to love you. Love of God and love of neighbour: this is the object of my mission. And you are my neighbours forming in God only one thing.
–Go – she said – I am sending you (…) Go. Preach the Gospel, cast out devils, and heal the sick; I will come and I will be with you.
–With me?
–Yes, I am the people united under Christ, my Head”
(Fr. Palau, My Relationships 12,1-2)
“Is it possible to know you and not to love you?” Is it possible to know all the needs of the Church and not to go out to serve? Is it possible to love God without loving our neighbor? They are one thing. And we are send to tell them of their beauty and God’s love, to cast out all the devils that are tormenting them (demons of fear, depression, loneliness, hopelessness) and to heal their sickness, especially those that put them apart from God and others. And the Church is always with us, whenever we are serving to her members.

Invitation for silence:
What is your mission? Do you love God and your neighbor in every simple activity of your days?
Download Reflection in PDF: 8 day MISSION
Download Notes with Chords: Mission
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